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Warm Me Up Choir Film


Took me a while to get this online but here it is! A film of Warm Me Up done live with a local choir called Songlines Community Choir, Warwick – led by Bruce Knight!

We did it in the Unitarian Chapel in Warwick and Bill Bates, brilliant person all round, did the recording while John Wright, another all round brilliant person, did the filming.

Thanks SO much to all who sang on that day – you were fantastic!

Just in Case you thought…


Just in case you thought I was doing a gig at Rowington Folk Club on Feb 15th I won’t be there now sorry but hopefully I’ll be able to get there later in the year!

Sorry about that to anyone who was thinking of coming along. It’s at the back room of none other than The Old Fourpenny Shop where we have our session and run by Pete Grassby so pop along anyway some time! So for now here is a picture of me attempting to play the accordion nicely. Love annAPlay-the-Accordion1WM

Thank you Bedworth Folky Fest

Thanks to Bedworth Folk Festival. I had a enjoyifiable time.


Who was on? Well I’ll tell you some of them: Kevin Dempsey – if you haven’t seen Kev he is utterly brilliant guitar and voice and was in Whippersnapper which is when I first saw him. Keith Donnelly – you must know him by now! He was doing all sorts including playing with me doing some covers which was fun and intrestifying. Also with the amazing Flossie Malavialle as Dark Horses and as hisself being funny and serious.

Also Brian Phillips – really funny and great guitar and singing too, Daisybell who sadly I didn’t see but everyone said they were fab, John Richards (who has also had songs covered by Fairport amongst others), Maria Barham – great singer and guitar player, Alhambra which is my friend Pete Lister from absolutely yonks ago and his friend John and Andy who are all very funny and sing Tiptoe Through the Tulips and suchlike, Paul Downes who finished off the festival on Sunday night and many others who I haven’t mentioned… There were lots of local players and singers as well and the weather stayed ok for everyone. And at the end of my final set on the Sunday I was able to play my song Bring Me Back My Feathers on banjo with Noel Le Long on mando – I had a lot of instruments as many of you will know so didn’t bring it on the other days! – Anyhow here’s the Fairport version of my song in case you are intrested…

Thanks in particular to Malc Gurnham and Gill Gilsenan who organised the whole thing. And to everyone who turned up to see us all play!


Thank You Bedworth Folk Club

Hey Bedworth Folk Club at The Newdigate – I had a lovely time at your club the other night so I done this for you…

thanks-bedworth-folk-clubThanks Malc and Gill for inviting me. And to the people who came all the way from Stourbridge and beyond! Malcolm, Jim and co, and John B. Smith for taking some photos which you can see below. And to everyone else who came and stayed. And to the other players Brian, Dave, Steve, John and anyone I left out. See you at Bedworth Folk Festival at the end of the month which in case you didn’t already know is the 40th one! Hoorah and hooray.

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Gig Wednesday

Hi everyone – I got a gig at Bedworth on Wednesday. Anyone coming I wonder? Here is a picture of me doing a gig and exactly what I sound like and exactly what I look like just so you know. Plus also a picture of the organiser called Malc which is also a extremely good likeness…



My friend Chris Short…

…has made his own one of these which I was privileged enough to see recently at his house. Chris Short is part of the brilliant band The Churchfitters who play and sing all sorts of interesting stuff on all sorts of interesting instruments such as the saw and hub-cap banjo and motorbike petrol tank bass. You must go and see them.

Chris – maybe you’d be interested to see this from The Book Of Knowledge 1918 (Canada – Grolier). See the page number!

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Pre-Festival 4Penny Shop Session!!!

This was brilliant last year.
Come along to the 4Penny Shop Pre-Warwick Folk Festival session tonight. Crompton Street, Warwick.

All types of music is all lovely and fab.
It’ll be great!
We’re all going. How about you?


Blimin’ ‘eck! My album has got mixed!
Spencer Cozens at Steinway Recording Studio has been amazing…

Erg. Got back from Lincolnshire at 5am leaving Spen looking like this!


The new CD will be mastered next then hopefully it will come out in June.
It shall be called The Art Of Making Faces.

People on it: Dave Pegg, Alan Thomson, Chris Leslie, Simon Nicol, Spencer Cozens, Clive Bunker, Hugh Rashleigh, Pete Wimpenny, Chas McDevitt, Oonagh Ryder, Noel Le Long, Mason Le Long, Warwick Songlines Community Choir, Kelvin Leitch, Marion Fleetwood, Keith Donnelly, Gerry Colvin,  Jonathan Waller, some people from the 4penny Shop…etc…

4penny Shop TONIGHT

Thee Question is: Are you going? Cos I am


and also cos our lovely pub owners/landlord/lady are leaving for Ireland
so we want to wish them a happy-off-to-Ireland type evening.
Tonight 8.45pm
The Old Fourpenny Shop Crompton Street Warwick

Recording News

Hellllooooo!!! Just to let you know that my new CD The Art Of Making Faces is still being mixed by my friend Spencer Cozens at his studio Steinway Recording (keyboardist John Martyn and Joan Armatrading and also with Deva Premal and Miten).
In the meantime here is a nice new keyboard design for Spen to use on tour…


Here are some of the musicians involved:

Dave Pegg, Clive Bunker, Chris Leslie, Mason Le Long, Alan Thomson, Hugh Rashleigh, Kelvin Leitch, Spencer Cozens…and more.

Fourpenny Shop Advert

NB annA rydeR cannot accept any responsibility for mispronunciation of names in this video in particular that of Jonathan Waller which is pronounced ‘Wall’ (as in brick) followed by ‘er’. All characters represented in this work could be fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.