Paper Girl Mp3

Studio album released in 2004 on annA's label RowdyMusic.
14 songs featuring members of Fairport Convention, Rabbit Bundrick (The Who), and others.
Memorable and exceptional songs beautifully recorded.

Please click on green download image below for your download which is on BandCamp. It will cost £10.

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Downloads-314 of annA’s original songs plus reprise track. Featuring Dave Pegg, Gerry Conway and Simon Nicol (Fairport Convention), John Rabbit Bundrick (The Who), Clive Bunker, (used to be in Jethro Tull), Maartin Allcock (used to be in Jethro Tull and Fairport Convention), PJ Wright (The Dylan Project + Little Johnny England), Mark Tucker and Oonagh Ryder.

Recorded during 2003 at Ibiza Studios Devon, Woodworm Studio Oxon, Presshouse House Studios Devon, Rabbit Studios Somerset & Velvet Studios Devon.


      01 Still Going Strong
      02 Paper Girl
      03 Still A Learner
      04 Oh No It's Me
      05 Ready To Love
      06 Dance With Me
      07 Ready And Willing
      08 Washing Machine
      09 Mr Lovely
      10 Sorry-For-Myself Train
      11 The Whiteman
      12 There You'll Be
      13 J
      14 So Far So Good
      15 So Far So Good (Reprise)